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Being stuck in the subway during commution again.
And obviously not the most serious one ever, though every one just have the ability to rouse my sickness from the bottom of my stomach, of my mind, of my soul.
F**k the transportation, f**k the crazy crowd.
But as the D-day comes day by day, I gradually fall into a self-reflection - WTF kind of encouragement I conceived with which I ventured in this wilderness?
Okay complaints should be taken off as much as possible.
After all there is few time left to squeeze, to distort myself to fit into the mad crowd in the train.
5 days left. I'm considering to go back to the bakery for a cake. Well but that shall be after the plague.
To summarise, City 020 is only a suitable place for working, sometimes entertainment but that's not a key point. Yet of course the much money one earns, the easier he lives in wherever.
And after all, however, I dislike this area.
Even though I have told myself that every experience is far from meaninglessness and it really is, I still gotta say for me it's enough, greatly strikingly enough.
An absolutely negative morning.


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