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❤ Si Tu (Es dans Une Apoplexie)

As far as I know, stroke strikes me as only paralysing. Yet an American born Korean introduces everyone into the mysterious unknown world of stroke through her biography - Tell Me Everything You Don't Remember. Normally speaking, stroke brings impact on the memory and communication. Nevertheless what is like during a stroke is truely known to few people. 

So the most interesting (sorry but you know I don't mean that 'interesting' ) part is the view in which she saw things when she met it at the beginning, which was just not a regular way but a very simple cognitive way with the description of some very simple geomertries. 

This woman with bad luck was only 33 years old at that time when she suffered a sudden stroke, which is very diffrent from the perception that I've learnt that 99% of stroke attack the elders over 60. 

Were we her, I believe most of us would sit there in despair instead of taking notes of the misery. And that may be what makes her work so remarkable from my viewpoint. 

It seems she is still alive now, though the search engine tells me that about 27% of the patients can recover from it. I hope she can survive the disease and be away from the premature death.  And it also tells me more and more youngsters are becoming the 'badly lucky' ones nowadays, alerting me quite a lot since, believe it or not, I am crystally conscious of my jeopardising schedule especially for the rest part. 

I've mentioned we should learn to try and cherish, at the same time there are some things we'd better not try, while cherishment is still in need for our lovely lives. 

Viva la vida. 


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